Study the Bible With Us to Help Change the World for Christ
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute Inc
Congratulations Welcome!
Start Your Curriculum
Dear Prospective Student,
Greetings of love, joy, and peace to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you for your interest in our school. We are both an independent Bible
College and an interdenominational Theological Seminary, registered with the
Council of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia and accredited by
the American Accreditation Association of Theological Institutions of Rocky
Mount, N.C.
We are a Scriptural and legitimate institution offering self-paced studies year-
round by correspondence for mature Christians, leading to religious Diploma,
Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees. Two of the great advantages
of The Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute are:
• The speed of our intensive educational programs, and
• That we are the most reasonable and affordable school in the U.S.A.
We adhere to high moral and ethical standards, and if you meet our qualifications,
we welcome you as a new student.This brief bulletin does not explain everything, but if you would like more
information, we encourage you to send for our complete catalog.
As a young convert in the year of 1976, Dr. Alice Basnight took Home
Correspondences Courses at Tidewater Christian Bible School, after receiving the
Holy Spirit on October 8, 1976. She began to teach Sunday School in churches
which she had membership and had excellent attendance.
On September 2004 Dr. Basnight experienced the first class to complete the
required courses for an Associate of Art degree in Biblical Studies, from that
time, many students have used this degree on their corporate resumes in applying
As Dr. Basnight’s desire grew to please God, she continued to study to show thy
self-approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15. She wrote five devotional Bible
based books during the years of 2005 – 2015, books consist of which she sent
daily encouraging scriptures to a list of Christian recipients.
On September 17, 2014, Dr. Basnight answered the call to Pastor Fresh Anointing
Christian Ministries Church; during the years of experience, she started Fresh
Anointing Christian Bible Institute, in Manassas, VA. From this humble
beginning in Manassas, Virginia, she has continued to provide comprehensive
systematic studies for students.
establishment of Christianity, existing to serve the Church of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Our purpose is to encourage spiritual growth, the development of Christian
character, and intellectual skills, that God's servants may become better soul
winners and soldiers of the cross to impact society for God. We are committed to
assisting active Christians, who desire to broaden their usefulness to the Lord, and
to become more effective in their calling.
As a Christian Educational Institution, our mission is to
• Enlighten and teach lay Christian workers, And to
• Provide continuing ministerial training for mature Pastors and Evangelists.
We are not a part of any denomination, but we are church oriented, because Dr.
Alice Basnight founded the school, an inter-denominational, inter-racial local
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute offers no liberal arts, majors nor minors
or secular degrees. We specialize in Christianity and ministerial training. You
would say we are a special school for special people.
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute is a non-traditional Bible College and
Seminary, in that we are a non-residential school, offering only external programs.
We are not a cult, New Age, or metaphysical, nor do we endorse any kind of
extremism or fanaticism. Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute is Bible-based
in its perspective, principles, and philosophy. We stand firmly on the
uncompromised Word of God.
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute is legal non-profit organization and,
although we do not function for monetary gain, we do incur many expenses in our
operation, which is why we must charge fees. We rely solely upon student fees
and occasional love offerings from friends.
We have a very low advertising budget, which is why you may have never heard
of us before. We are not the oldest or biggest school of our kind, but we are
rapidly growing in courses, students, and reputation.
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute Inc. offers both undergraduate and post-
graduate programs, conferring all levels of degrees in most every religious field.
We provide the highest quality Biblical studies to meet your educational needs.
We serve lay Christian workers, and part-time/full-time licensed and Ordained Ministers.
Our main scope is national, but we do accept foreign students.
The vision of Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute is to reunite profession1
scholarship with Scriptural integrity, to link theology with practical service, and
to balance learning with living. We magnify Christ as Savior, as Healer and Holy
Spirit Baptizer. He is the Messiah of Israel, Head of the Church, and King of the
Kingdom of God.
Our correspondence courses are designed to encourage Students to grow in
their knowledge of God, His Word, and Will for their lives.
We are dedicated to producing responsible Christians who can make a difference
on their jobs, in their local Churches, and contribute to their community. We seek
to assist you in your personal walk with the Lord, and to embolden you in
presenting the Gospel in public. We equip men and women to speak the truth in
love, without fear or favor. Our aim is to train Servants of God to be superior
leaders, so they can train others, as II Tim. 2:2 says, “faithful men, who shall be
able to teach others also. We put the spiritual tools in your hands so you can do
your best for God and be all you can be for Jesus. We are a catalyst to promote
your professional career for Christ.
We are a steppingstone to fulfill your goals, and a springboard to your greater
success. Our goal is to develop champions for Christ for the glory of God.
Christianity is not a “religion”, but a relationship with Christ.
This is why our curriculum is Christ-centered. Our courses emphasize worship,
prayer, faith, and the practice of love among the brethren.
We declare the full Gospel, and recognize all the fruit, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Christ died for us, that we might live for him. Our philosophy is that we are saved
to serve; and every saint is a servant.
The highest fulfillment in the life of every child of God is found in self-sacrificing
service for the Savior.
Jesus said He has chosen and ordained you. John 15:16. Fresh Anointing
Christian Bible Institute Inc. recognizes that calling, we encourage you to
prepare to meet the challenge of presenting the Message of the Cross to a world
lost in the darkness of sin.
We advocate entering at the dirty hands level of helping hurting people. What
good is ministerial training that makes no practical contact with the masses of the
real world?
Anyone laboring in the great harvest field today can see that we are living amidst
a moral avalanche and judgment is already falling. Most of the world is headed
for Hell! But when it’s the darkest, it will also be the brightest. Is.60: 1-3. It's time
for exploits of faith and revival! We want to ignite and fan revival fires in local
churches, and everywhere. There is a great need for compassionate, committed,
courageous Christian leadership today---men and women, whose burning drive is
to know Jesus and to make Him known.
We want our students to catch the vision of laboring in the final harvest field with
pastoral care, evangelistic flare, and with academic excellence. As you develop
your ability to proclaim the Gospel, you will make an impact on all those around
Jesus prayed for all God's true, children to be ONE. John.17: 21. And what we do,
we must do quickly for “the King's business requires haste. I Sam. 21: 8. Soon
“The night cometh when no man can work John. 9:4.
Our Great Commission is world evangelization. Our Great Hope is an everlasting
Kingdom, so we will work, watch, and wait for the glorious appearing of the Son
of God.
No man knows the day or hour of the second coming of Christ. Only God knows.
But He commanded us to “occupy till I come.” Lk.19: 13.
There are many church workers and ministers, who would like to obtain a
Christian Education, but for several reasons are unable to attend a traditional
Bible college or Theological Seminary.
Many pastors long to complete their ministerial training, but are hindered by
important factors such as:
• FAMILY Responsibilities---they cannot leave or uproot their families or
interrupt their children’s schooling.
• EMPLOYMENT Responsibilities---they can't quit their jobs because they
need the income; and perhaps their spouse is also reluctant to give up their
job positions in an uncertain economy.
• MINISTERIAL Responsibilities---they may be presently following an
active career for Christ or Pasturing a church already and cannot forsake
the flock.
They live too far away and the high cost of relocating to some remote climate is
simply out of the question. The college or university is probably too expensive
anyway, and they could not afford the costly program.
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute has recognized this great need and has
dedicated itself to meeting it. We can help you bring your desires to pass and
make your dream a reality.
The whole educational philosophy of Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute is
to train students right where you are. Family, job, church, or money cannot hold
you back any longer. You can continue to be useful and fruitful in your local
church and obtain the religious degree of your choice at the same time.
Traditional education depends upon campus residence and requires classroom
attendance. The campus is the center of learning, and the classroom is the primary
source of information.
In the academic world, the following terms are often used rather interchangeably:
Home study.
There are almost 100 major universities that now offer thousands of home study
courses through the mail to people living all over the world. During the latter half
of the 20th century there started a knowledge and information explosion brought
about by the telephone, television, fax machines and especially the computer and
Internet. Home businesses are mushrooming. These domestic enterprises are
linked up by instantaneous electronic communications. As these technical and
business trends have come about, higher education techniques have had to keep
pace. Thus, academic learning has been shifting away from traditional residential
schools toward alternate home study programs.
Correspondence schools like Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute are more in
touch with these rapid social changes in the modern busy world. As a viable part
of this new wave of the future, we recognize your home as a place of learning
and/or your church office as a center of education.
In the traditional institution, you are locked into the plodding pace of the group,
but in-home study you can move along at an accelerated pace. The old-fashioned
school starts and stops at their convenience, but with Fresh Anointing Christian
Bible Institute you start and stop at your convenience and comfort.
You can study early, late, or whenever it best suits your schedule. So, it’s possible
to complete your course work and earn your degree in a relatively short period of
time. On the other hand, if you catch a bad case of the flu, have a death in the
family, go on vacation, have a baby, or something comes up that would normally
cause you to miss important lessons or a test it would be hard to make it up in a
traditional school but with Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute home study
courses, you can simply set things aside, and get back to them when you're ready
The quality of education must not be measured by the number of hours or years
you sit at a desk chair. Education by correspondence is in no way inferior to
education by classroom. It’s just more convenient and a lot cheaper. In fact, it
may be superior, depending upon the self-discipline and personal diligence of the
Studies have shown that students also retain more from written material requiring
continual participation through questions, than from the one-sided lecture.
As stated elsewhere, spending several years in a residential school to get a
Doctorate degree could cost up to $50,000. But that much money put into a CD
might earn you more money than having the degree would bring you, so it's just
not worth it.
We know there are some unscrupulous entrepreneurs in every field of endeavor.
There are also some degree mills--- bogus “schools" and fake “universities” that
sell phony diplomas and degrees to anyone willing to pay their price. But their
worthless certificates have no real value because they represent no qualifications,
learning experience, study, work, academic merit, or achievement of any kind.
Buying a meaningless degree could bring you embarrassment and shame when
you least expect it. So, how can we know if a school is a diploma mill?
• Paper mills are NOT usually registered by the State in which they are
located, and so have no legal status to operate.
• They are usually NOT accredited, or else they have set up their own
accrediting association (sometimes at the very same address) and- have
accredited themselves, which is self-approval.
• Most of them don't have much of a catalog or any decent courses.
• They ask no questions about a student's academic qualifications and
couldn’t care less about their customer's Christian character.
• They either require no study, or else extremely little work. There is usually
no examination whatsoever.
• All paper mills operate by mail, but not all schools that use the U.S. Postal
Services are diploma mills. One dead giveaway is using a mail-forwarding
service to conceal their actual location and shady practices.
By what other factors should an institution be evaluated? By their:
• Creed, doctrines, and teachings
• Honesty and integrity
• Moral and Spiritual standards
• Academic and professional practices
• Financial ethics
We Offer Six Courses
We Offer Six Courses
We Offer Six Courses

School Phone:
Office No : (703) 957-5358
Fax : (703) 435-4576
(571) 259-7802
Upcoming events

Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute Inc.
Virtual College
Dr. Alice L. Basnight
Come earn the degree you could not afford in the past!
Affordable Courses
Enrollment time: January 01, 2025
1st Semester began September 09, 2025
Contact us to complete your application.
Contact: Dr. Alice L. Basnight
Office: (703) 957-5358
Online and home study Courses
Get your Christian Education Now!
(World-Wide Accreditation)
Many students have received corporate opportunities after receiving a higher education at
Fresh Anointing Christian Bible Institute Inc.